Lean Six Sigma for Banking & Services

Lean Six Sigma for Banking & Services

Lean Six Sigma 




Do We really need Lean?

Let's look at an example of a client’s journey to withdraw money at XYZ bank


Let's look at an example of a client’s journey to get a loan at XYZ bank



Could this be an accurate representation of a client’s &  the loan application's journey at XYZ bank?



Defects: Incorrect /missing data or information, data corrections...

Overproduction: Too many reports produced. Information sent automatically even when not required

Transportations: Moving documents around offices/ departments, Multiple hand-offs…

Waiting: Customers waiting to be served, System downtime, approvers waiting for application-forms to be delivered in batches…

Inventory: Files and documents waiting to be processed, change notices, Excess promotional material sent to the market, and the worst type: Customers Waiting to Be Served…

Motion: Looking for data and information, movement of people to and from filing, fax and Xerox machines

Processing: Irrelevant info required, too many boxes on the forms, same data entered in more than one form, too many approvals…

The Nature of Change


Reasons for Account Opening Application Errors


The Lean 6 Sigma Methodology


SIPOC Example 3

Supplier(s) Inputs/Req'ts Process Output(s)/Req'ts Customer(s)


 Fannei Maae

 Freddie Mac

 Info Tech

 Mortagage App

 UW. Guidelines

 System access

  1. Loan Receipt
  2. Initial UW
  3. Clear Conditions
  4. Loan Closing
  5. Loan Funding

 Funded Loan

 Approved Loan

 Loan Ready for Funding





Connect with us

Head Quarter : 30 street 87 Thakanat Maadi, Cairo , Egypt.

Dubai Office : Sheikh Zayed Road, 3rd Interchange, Al Quoz Industrail Area 1, Al Shafar Investment Building,Office:208,Dubai UAE, P.O.Box:75244

  • dummy+971 56 392 9251 / 01098891700

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